ACHIEVE POsitive change through action
- PATENT Support | Research | Development | Disclosure | Implementation of existing Technologies and Patents kept secret and intentionally removed from the public domain which would have benefited the Environment and provided FREE and Renewable Energy-Technologies far superior to existing Infrastructure in use today, which is provided to the PUBLIC at high and unreasonable cost for self-serving commercial reasons
- ENVIRONMENTAL Resource Initiatives | Clean Water and clean Air Reclamation
- FREE ENERGY Research focusing on suppressed Inventions, providing a neutral outlet and resource pool for rejected, "shadow-banned" and "outlawed" Scientists whose inventions could have improved standards of Living fundamentally long ago, primarily FREE of Charge to the Public
- ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL | HEALTH RESEARCH | RE-Publishing of natural remedies originating from Traditional | Historical Sources, capable of providing a near Disease-Free Life for ALL In Reach
- SELF GOVERNANCE EDUCATION related to Financial Re-Orientation towards a "Healthy" and Sustainable Value System via the elimination of the "CASINO-Gambling Factor" in Investments, Trading, and Wealth or Value Accumulation to reflect and solidify the TRUE value of Corporations and their Efforts invested to advance and improve their mission and to bring positive values into economic and environmental existence.
- SOCIAL | MAINSTREAM MEDIA corrective Task-Force Program to "bring back" [UN-DELETE-and RESURRECT] hidden or destroyed INCONVENIENT TRUTH CONTENT to RE-INFORM the "mislead" PUBLIC about Historical Events in TRUTH while exposing biased Propaganda Narratives
- ANTI FALSE-FLAG-ATTACK Measures to Counter Dangerous Disinformation propagated via rogue entities in Government and Social Media [AFFAM]
- PUBLIC "SERVANT" RE-ORIENTATION INITIATIVE | Create or RE-Activate suppressed Government Support Programs to "RE-EDUCATE" and assist Public Servants of Society aka "Politicians" in re-evaluating and understanding the CONCEPT of "SERVING" the PUBLIC under the enforcement of unbiased "Vetting" Mechanisms to ensure quality "service-output delivery" of elected officials before being allowed "into Office" to serve their constituents
- CREATION of PUBLIC OPINION HUBS | Conversion and RE-Structuring of Global Social Media "Outlets" as NON-Custodialial, Trustless Information- and Opinion-Hubs within the emerging WEB 3.0 Eco-System promoting decentralization and "openness" while enhancing user utility within the Internet Of Value
- Re-Instate Unbiased Journalism as independent, impartial PUBLIC GLOBAL SERVICE
- Reduce | Eliminate Poverty and promote Proper Education on a global scale
- Propagate the SERVICE TO OTHERS PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE throughout TERRA and beyond