- TRANSFORM | The current "Service to SELF Society" into a "Service to OTHERS-Type Civilization", creating a truly meaningful legacy for "A Species with great potential" to be able to re-join the REALM ... "When Ready"
- BUILD A LASTING LEGACY | for HUMANITY to re-qualify in the REALM of FIRST CLASS CIVILIZATIONS. This Legacy will not "establish" itself ... rather Human Kind [TERRAUNION] will work for this Legacy to become REALITY with unflinching dedication and resolve. Only then will this legacy materialize as a tribute to all of HUMANITY
- RESET and IMPROVE the STATE of GLOBAL Affairs | Most Governments of TERRA have failed their Citizens throughout the ages and continue to erode economic commonwealth, environmental quality of life and security on a global scale without oversight, checks and balances. The need arises to create an Equilibrium of Power for the 8 BILLION strong TERRAUNION in 2023, which has so far been conditioned to accept unilateral imposed oppression and control over most aspects of life without resistance. Because of this, TERRAUNION is rising once again to reset and improve this dangerous state of global affairs as the ONE and ONLY legitimate WORLD ORDER ... HUMANITY UNITED ... under the UNITED TERRAN COMMONWEALTH.
- RE-ESTABLISH and SOLIDIFY FREEDOM and LIBERTY | which have been stripped to ensure the realization of the "Grand Plan" to unilaterally dominate Humanity by "The Few In POWER"
- PREVENT THE PLANNED PURGE | to reduce the global population to 500 MILLION perpetually as was stated on the now destroyed GEORGIA GUIDESTONES in multiple Terran -languages as a "semi-secret" and grave warning for BILLIONS of precious and utterly unaware sentient beings. Not only do "The few Rulers in Power" NOT have Humanity's best interests at heart but In fact are executing a streamlined and carefully orchestrated "Cleanup Event" which is designed to leave the human species more conditioned and in significantly reduced numbers to serve an age-old dark agenda of "The Few", desperately trying to stay in POWER against the will of the MAJORITY which only wishes to live in Freedom and Peace
- ELIMINATE PROPAGANDA WARFARE | The showdown between TERRAUNION and "The Few In Power" is unfolding "behind the scenes", while artificially created global Crisis Scenarios, Systematically and Logistically scheduled Releases of Pandemics and staged Political- and Economic Upheavals prevent the Public from being fully aware of the seriousness of this Runaway Downturn of entire countries and economies into an uncertain fate
- CREATE A UNITED-TERRAN-COMMONWEALTH VALUE SYSTEM | The draconic and biased control of Finances, Media, and Social political structures in many nations has made it possible for "The Few in Power" to maintain control over most aspects of public and private life ... UNTIL NOW. This unilateral control mechanism is "finally" breaking down due to grave errors made in a failing SERVICE to SELF System, based on debt and greed, paired with utter disregard for not only human life but ALL LIFE and the Environment. This has caused and is still the Reason for unimaginable pain and suffering on a global scale due to endlessly nurtured wars over "worthless" FIAT Assets and anti human enforcement systems, mute religious paradigms and over diminishing natural resources which are finite,
- SUPPORT BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY TO END FINANCIAL SLAVERY | The inevitable Breakdown of the inner workings of the SERVICE TO SELF SYSTEM was accelerated by the Advent of BLOCKCHAIN-Technologies and required "The Few in Power" to take drastic measures involving runaway corruption and disinformaton campaigns to be able to prolong their brutal reign over Billions of Souls which only "wish" to be FREE and have a peace- and meaningful life. This "wish" could have been granted long ago BUT NEVER WAS OR WILL BE, as the "Narrative of the current Establishment" dictates for it to be denied permanently for all the wrong commercial and manipulatory reasons
- ELEVATE TERRAUNION TO RECLAIM ITS RIGHTFUL PLACE in the "REALM" | Know then, that there is a vastly more powerful "ORDER" watching, across many ages, which DOES have the very best interests of Human Kind at "heart" BUT ... HUMANITY is tasked to find a way [without intervention ... for now] ... to permanently TERMINATE a misguided, destructive and unsustainable SERVICE TO SELF Philosophy of Life which has transformed TERRA into an abused and polluted Prison Planet from the Cosmic "Paradise" it once was ... and "in time" WILL BE AGAIN